Feb 1994 - The first successful non-stop
double crossing to Rotto by a female
Time 12 hours, 6 minutes.
Training for my English Channel crossing.
4th July 1995 - Successful English Channel Crossing.
12 hours 23 minutes in very tough conditions
Manhattan Island Marathon Swim 2000
Time - 8 hours 15 minutes
4th Place overall, 2nd Female
Jan 2009 - Lake Taupo New Zealand Team Triple Crossing
World Record for the longest distance swam by a
female team in an inland waterway.
Distance 120.6Km's Time 33 Hours 33 Mins 54 Secs
March 2015 - A training swim for my
up coming Straits of Gibraltar Crossing. Rotto to Mainland - 5 hours 35 minutes
June 2015 - Swimming across the Straits of Gibralar (Europe to Africa)
Time 6 Hours 7 Minutes
2015 - My career highlight to date
Inaugural Inductee into the Rottnest Channel Swim hall of Fame
Aug 2013 - Catalina Channel Crossing (California). Time 11 hours 19 minutes.
I became the first Western Australian Swimmer to complete the Triple Crown of Marathon swimming and only the 72nd swimmer world wide